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Tuesday 6 November 2012

Product Review: Lush Bubblegum Lipscrub

So it's very nearly winter again, and my lips really don't agree with this time of year. Due to the harshness of the winter wind and temperature, my lips suffer from that horrible chapped look. BUT! I have seen numerous  beauty gurus on YouTube, feature this scrub, and when i went shopping in Watford i was in Lush and thought i would try it out.

Packaging: I really like the packaging, and although the pot is very small, it is very compacted and there is a lot in there. A little goes a long way! The pot is easy to open/close and is also secure so i can't see it spilling out whilst in my handbag.

Price: This lipscrub from memory was £5 something, which yes is pretty pricey for a lipscrub, but i was willing to pay the price as my lips needed it, and i wanted a good quality one over a cheapy nasty one.

Quality: The scrub really does work, it is really easy to use as well. It doesn't take long, it works straight away and leaves your lips feeling and looking a lot smoother.

Personal Thoughts: My favourite colour in the world is pink, so this lipscrub appealed even more to me. Also, it is scented very strongly of bubblegum, and it smells amazing. An added bonus to this product is that once you are done, instead of washing it off your lips, you are allowed to lick it off! It is edible (in moderation) and tastes so so good. mmm.

Note: Please don't eat too much of this, although it says you can, it doesn't mean devour the whole pot, it will make you ill!

A definite repurchase! 

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