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Saturday 13 October 2012

Product Review: Sephora Mango Body Butter

So on my first ever blog, i mentioned this product that i bought whilst on holiday in France. If you live in the UK then you will know that there sadly isn't a Sephora :( I'm not 100% sure of all the countries that do, but the 2 that i know for definite are the USA and France, so if you're wondering i would google it :).
The body butter i have bought comes in a variety of different scents, i spent ages sniffing them all and decided mango was the most delicious.

So as you can see from the photo above, the tub is 200ml, which in my opinion is quite a lot, as i've used it many times and hardly any seems to have disappeared! The lid is just a screw on, so it's not hard to open and close. ( i hate products that are hard to open) I like the packaging, it's simple but looks quite classy, and the tubs are coloured to your scent. By this i mean if you were to buy strawberry your tub would be pink, etc. Obviously it's very hard to describe a scent, but just think exotic, mango (obviously) holiday, cocktail smells, just a reallyyy fruity smell, so if you like those sort of scents then this is for you!

The actual butter itself is really moisturising, and even though it is heavily fragranced, i haven't had any reactions to it, and my skin can be quite sensitive. The scent sticks with you for hours which i like, as i like to smell nice! And so does the moisture, my skin is left feeling soft for ages. One thing i wouldn't recommend is applying this to your legs straight after you've shaved them/waxed them. It. Stings. Apart from that, i would say it's perfectly fine to use anywhere, except the face. I would say my skin type is a little on the dry side, more when i just come out the shower, so i found this really 'locked in' some moisture and i'm very happy i bought it :). Would definitely repurchase this product if it was easy to get my hands on, and i'm not 100% sure on the price but i remember it being in the 7-10 euros region. So it is very affordable!
Let me know in the comments if you've ever tried Sephora's Body Butter range, and tell me what you thought! <3

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