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Monday 10 June 2013

Ageing for camera.

The process of ageing is a tricky one, the technique differs from theatrical ageing to ageing for film/photography. In this look i have used the technique for camera, however if you dramatize this technique it could work under theater lights as well.

You will need:

  • Foundation - CREAM BASED. And a mixture of different tones, i have used Charles Fox's cream based foundations in a pallet of 6 different shades. The different shades are used for the contouring and highlighting. 
  • Foundation brush, and a smaller concealer brush - This is to apply the foundation and use the smaller brush for more detailed shading when needed.
  • White/grey aquacolour - Aquacolour is water based so allergies aren't common whilst using this product. It's substance is extremely similar to face paint, we use this through the eyebrows and through any hair showing so that it appears grey or white.
  • Greasepaint in a red tone - My greasepaint or is in the shade Lake by Charles Fox. We use this to create the varicose veins that tend to appear with age.
  • Stippling brush or sponge - To apply the greasepaint
  • Elderly clothing
For women the following can be added:
  • Any hair accessory - I have used a bun net
  • Any eyeliner, mascara or lipstick 

Step 1: 

Take a light foundation and a dark. Draw thin dark lines onto the face in areas which will enhance ageing. 

  1. Two lines under each eye
  2. Lines in the outer corners of the eye where 'crow's feet' appear
  3. A few lines across the forehead
  4. Two lines either side of the mouth, starting at the nose downwards (smile and follow the lines your cheeks have made)
  5. Two lines either side of the nose , to narrow it and make it appear gaunt
  6. Two little lines on the upper lip area, (cupid bow) and either side of the corners of your lips coming downwards.
  7. Two frown lines by the start of your eyebrows
Step 2:

Now take your lighter foundation and draw lighter lines right next to every dark line you have drawn.

Step 3:

Take the smaller brush, and blend the dark line into the lighter one, so that the dark line is more subtle but still visible. In other words, blend it so that it looks natural!

Step 4:  

This is the hardest part over! For more effects, take the dark foundation again and put round marks in a few places to act as sun spots. Take your stippling brush and dot a few red marks with your greasepaint around the face to create varicose veins. Finally take your grey or white aquacolour and brush it through the eyebrows and hairline.

Step 5: 

Style the hair into the style you want, and place in your accessories. Dress your model (or yourself) into elderly clothes, and if female, add any extra make-up you think will enhance your look! 

To take it further i have also done the shading with foundations down the neck and on the hands.  For the neck, put two thicker dark lines down either side and then again slightly more closer to the chin, then do a small V shape in between your collar bones. Blend with lighter shade. MAKE SURE CLOTHING COVERS WHERE YOU HAVE STOPPED SHADING. In my photo you can still see the chest area where her skin is natural.

For the hands, again with the shading, flex your hand and follow where your bones sit. then shade around the knuckles and shade in between each finger. Add any veins or sunspots if wanted! (I have).

Video may be put up on YouTube as this is a complex procedure to explain by text. If wanted, please request.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Wow it's been long! | The London Palladium

So i promised myself i'd blog daily and look what's happened, i have done my usual and not stuck to something i've started. I have however been extremely busy, some of which i will share with you and some that i shan't. A lot of things have happened in my life recently and i have been distracted away from my computer so i really apologise for the lack of blogging!

I've decided i don't want my blog to be purely based on beauty, although it is one of my biggest passions i have a lot of things i'd like to blog about so from now on there will be a variety.

One of my most recent and exciting events in my life, is the fact i had the opportunity to do make-up at the London Palladium theater, this theater is where this years Britain's got Talent auditions are held at, and is also where the new musical 'A Chorus Line' is shown.

I am so so so proud of one of my older cousins, who landed himself a main role in this production! His name is Ed Currie and he plays the role of Bobby. Thanks to him, he got me involved in the make-up department and i worked with one of the top make-up artists, Diana Estrada-Hudson. When i arrived i was so so nervous, i still haven't completed my course in make-up and all the other team members were fully qualified and professional.

The show i was helping out with was called the 42nd Street Charity Gala and there were a lot of celebrities there which was exciting! I know Gok Wan was there, but i didn't see him and only really saw Vanessa Feltz which is a bit disappointing. (sorry Vanessa)

Luckily the dancers make-up wasn't too complex, and a smokey eye and red lip was all that was required. I was buzzing. In the make-up studios at one of the top theater's in London doing what i loved. I soon forgot that i was the least qualified in the room, and focused on the girls i had been given to make over. One of the girls let me take a photo of her finished look. I can't list the products used as because it was a charity event, the girls all brought their own make-up kits.

It was such a great experience meeting the team, who taught me a lot and showed me the way they work, and also meeting a lot of new people! I even made a new friend :)
And to top of the day, 10 domino's pizzas were delivered to our room!

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Favourite Products Of 2012 | YouTube

Finally, i have recovered from the flu and have uploaded my first YouTube video!
I thought it would be a good idea to round off 2012 by concluding my favourite products, so i hope you find it useful and enjoy it.

I would love to receive requests on what videos you would like me to do, feel free to ask and i'll see what i can do. I will continue to blog as well as film, and have a lot more exciting things to share with you. I'm hoping to put some fashion into my blogging/filming, so hauls and OOTD's and tips and tricks will be shared at some point!

Watch my first video here:

My YouTube username is : JillianCurrie

Please subscribe and thumbs up the video if you like it!
Thank you!

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Miss Selfridge: Love

While i'm still ill and not able to do much, i thought i'd share one of my favourite christmas presents i got this year.

I asked for this jumper for christmas because it is not only a beautiful red christmas colour, but is just beautiful to wear in general! The white love lettering is my favourite part, i think it gives a big baggy jumper a delicate touch. 

The jumper also has two different knits. The knit on the front bodice is different from that on the arms and the back. I am wearing a UK size 10 but i am a 6, i just liked the baggier look!

For more details and to look to purchase the item yourself visit:

Sunday 6 January 2013

Christmas and 2013

So Christmas has gone and it's finally 2013! Unfortunately for me i have been ill for the whole year with a nasty flu virus which seems to be some sort of glandular fever, so i am sorry for the lack of blogging. My new year's resolution is to blog frequently and get videos up on my currently empty YouTube channel! My username for YouTube is JillianCurrie and as soon as i'm better i will upload my first video, which i think may be a favourite products of 2012 video seeming as it's the new year!

For Christmas i spent the day at home with my relatives and my cousins came over from Swindon, so we had a lovely day with a dinner and presents and all things festive. I got lots of lovely things which if you're interested in seeing i will also do a belated Christmas haul.

For New Years i went clubbing at a 12 hour party in Watford's Rehab club, which has killed me! (Literally) I have been bed bound since with this virus. It was a great night out though so i guess it was worth it!

Currently in my course i am studying how to age people using make-up, and will get a post up about it once i am taught the whole process :) So stay tuned!
I also have a few more hair blogs to write, and product reviews, but if there's anything you want specifically then let me know and i'll get to it.

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and enjoy the new year!

The crazy cousin and I.

Friday 14 December 2012

Ballerina bun for long/medium hair

This hairstyle is very simple to achieve and also looks very elegant. In my opinion you could use it for both casual and evening looks, but you may prefer one or the other.

You will need :

  • Hairband
  • Doughnut Ring (in your hair colour)
  • Hairbrush - Tailcomb or backcombing comb
  • Pins!
  • Hairspray ( if needed/wanted)

To start, simply tie all your hair into a high ponytail. If you have a fringe or bits you want to keep down then do. Depending on what look you want, either tie your hair into the ponytail neatly, or leave it scruffy if you want a more casual look.

Once you are happy with your ponytail, take your doughnut ring and slide your ponytail through the hole in the middle. Then part your hair over the ring in sections until the ring is hidden with your hair, and wrap your hair around the outside tucking under the ring as you go. The longer your hair, the more times you will need to wrap your hair around the ring.

Then take your chosen pins, and pin around the outside of the ring to keep it in place. Use as many pins as you need but try to keep them hidden!

To finish, spray your hair with a bit of hairspray for extra security, and also to get rid of any stray fly away hairs. If a casual look is what you wanted, perhaps even take a few strands out to give it that 'messy' look.

Have fun!